Çalı Mahallesi 13.(140) Sokak No:9/1 Nilüfer/Bursa, TÜRKİYE

Corporate Responsibility Policy

Birlik Klips determines and implements corporate responsibility policies, anti-corruption policies, codes of conduct for employees and the dissemination of ethical values and escalation policies. Corporate Sustainability is the consideration and implementation of business models and processes based on sustainable future strategies based on environmental, social and corporate governance with a holistic approach.


  • We are committed to creating a reliable, healthy and fair working environment without discrimination by ensuring that our employees make full and proper use of all their rights.
  • We provide our employees with suitable conditions to work in a safe and healthy environment to minimise hazards in the work areas. We raise their awareness by providing regular health and safety training.
  • We plan working hours and holidays fairly, taking into account the personal rights of our employees. We do not work in circumstances that coerce our employees.
  • Our employees are encouraged to act within the organisation in accordance with the principles of justice, equality and honesty. In the performance of their duties, they shall not discriminate on the basis of language, religion, belief, political opinion, race, gender, age, physical disability and similar grounds, shall not engage in acts and practices that violate or restrict human rights and freedoms, and acts and applications that affect equal opportunities are prohibited and those that do will not be ignored.
  • Employees should conduct themselves in the performance of their duties in a manner that ensures trust in the management of the company and demonstrate by their behaviour that they deserve the reputation and trust required for the job. They should refrain from behaviour that damages trust in management, inspires mistrust and violates the principle of justice.
  • The freedom of our employees should not be restricted, we respect their thoughts and opinions and ensure that they work in a harmonious environment.
  • If he taunts or intimidates the worker at the workplace, or encourages, provokes, urges the worker to act against the law, commits a crime requiring imprisonment, or makes unfounded serious accusations or allegations against the worker that degrade honour and dignity, necessary measures are required, they will be brought to the attention of the production manager primarily through his first supervisor.
  • If unit staff do not show up for work without obtaining permission from the unit supervisor or giving an excuse, a report is kept by the production manager and the billing unit is informed of the days the worker is absent. The payroll unit will take legal action against staff who are absent from work for 3 days without giving an excuse.
  • Staff must approach each other with respect during working hours at the workplace. Quarrels in the workplace – words and behaviour that are harmful to reputation are prohibited. In the event of such a situation among staff, the General Manager will be notified by the Production Manager, necessary research will be conducted and the legal regulations will be put into effect.
  • The use of our company’s activities by our employees for illegal or improper purposes is strictly prohibited. No person or organisation may benefit from bribes, gifts or other means. Similarly, no person or organisation may accept money or benefits in violation of laws and regulations. Persons who engage in such behaviour among our employees will be reported to the General Manager by the Divisional Officers and the Accounting Division will be responsible for taking the necessary legal action after making the necessary investigations.
  • All our employees report their enquiries and complaints to the Production Manager and complaints are closed by finding solutions to the problems. We make sure that all our business partners, especially our suppliers, act according to the Birlik Klips standards in the area of Corporate Responsibility and pay attention to their practices.

This policy commits that Birlik Klips will fulfil all its responsibilities for a better future.